The Model Guardian suite of add-ins for Enterprise Architect, by Sparx Systems, provides a level of control over your modeling environment that Enterprise Architect alone cannot deliver. Enterprise Architect is one of the best UML design tools on the market. However, like UML it is good for most any purpose but specific to none. Creating a framework for your modeling environment fills this gap. A well designed framework provides just the right tools necessary for modeling the task at hand.
If you are not familiar with the concept of modeling frameworks, read our Introduction to and Analogy for Frameworks. You can also view our presentation on using Model Guardian to attain Framework and Model Assisted Design.
Up until now, creating a framework (Object and Connector Types for the toolboxes, Quicklinks, Diagram Types and the like), has been a time consuming and rather complex process. It required diagramming a metamodel with stereotyped elements and metaclasses and creating countless diagrams to set up the toolbox sections, toolboxes, and diagram types. Furthermore, if changes were made to a framework after models had been created using a previous version, those models became obsolete.
Model Guardian provides an easy, intuitive way to create frameworks for Enterprise Architect. Its user interface lets you easily build the metamodel of the framework. It provides list boxes populated with the elements of the metamodel so you can easily add them to the toolboxes. Tag definitions created in the UI are also available to be assigned to the Object and Connector Types. Changes, like reassigning an Object Type's parent in the metamodel hiearchy is as simple as clicking on the new parent.
Managing frameworks goes well beyond their initial creation. Model Guardian provides automatic archival and retrieval of framework versions. Models can be automatically synchronized with changes to a framework to ensure they do not become obsolete. Existing models can even be brought under framework control.
The Model Guardian suite of products work together to provide the model environment you envision.
The Customer Framework Editor (CFE) provides the tools needed to develop and maintain your frameworks. It is typically used by the lead architects on your team that develop the architectural and design standards for your modelers. The Personal Framework Editor(PFE) is a low cost alternative to small IT shops where the architect is the designer as well. Both editions come with the (EA)2 Enterprise Architecture Modeling Framework pre-installed. You can use it as a starting point for you own frameworks or simply as guide to creating your own.
The Customer Framework Runtime edition (CFR) interprets the frameworks you have setup and integrates them into Enterprise Architect. It also managed your models, letting you synchronize framework changes with existing models so they do not become obsolete. The Standard Framework Runtime (SFR) is a lower cost version that works with the frameworks developed by OAD and its partners. It is for those who do not have the need to create or customize the commerically available frameworks. These editions are typically used by those who need to create models according to the architectural standards established by the lead architects by working with the frameworks they design.
The MG Utilities edition (MGU) is our newest edition that provides general modeling capabilities you wish Enterprise Architect had. It includes extended capabilties in working with model elements, connectors, and diagrams. This edition can be used by anyone who uses Enterprise Architect. It works as a "floating" control panel givin you instant access to search for and copy diagram (including un-selectable elements), change numerous properties for multiple connectors on a diagram with a single command, list all of the relationships on which information items are conveyed and easily find the source, target, and information objects involved, update elements' and connector's stereotypes and tag names model wide, and much more.

Check the Downloads page for the documents, presentations, and evaluation copies of the editions that you are free to download. |